Saturday, August 22, 2020

Keeping The Lights On

 The galaxy is a big place, and it can take a long time for a message to get from one point to another. That could be why we haven't said much in the last 9-ish months! It isn't, but it could be!

Real talk though, I'm just dropping by to let anyone listening know that yes, work is still continuing on Familiarity. The team still meets every week to work on scripts, forge new art, fetch and master SFX, etc. Currently we're focusing on improving the game engine, reviewing and editing writing material and slowly but surely cranking out more amazing background art.

Rome wasn't built in a day, just imagine how long Space Rome (in space) will take! Actually, I'd rather not think about it.

As always, thank you for checking in. Be well, stay safe, and may we all emerge from this hell that is 2020 as unharmed as possible. The consequences will never be the same.